GWT News
Monday, July 15, 2013
In the past year, GWT has undergone dramatic changes - from a Google owned product to a fully open sourced project with community contributions, and strong support from member companies including Google. Lets take a look at what has been accomplished so far, and what the future holds.
New Domain and Web-site is the main web-site for GWT, and is the authoritative source for GWT documentation. The content for the web-site is now open sourced as well.
New Source Repository, Review System, Jenkins-based Automation for Commits
GWT source is now entirely in git. It uses the gerrit review system, and is hosted at Thanks to Redhat Inc., contributors rely on a Jenkins-based automated test system to validate their changes.
GWT Roadmap Published
We published the GWT roadmap for 2.6 and 3.0, presented at Google I/O, available online here. The plan includes major initiatives, led by people from both Google and the GWT contributor community.
GWT Meetup 2013 Event
To encourage community contributions to GWT, we held a two-day GWT meet-up event at Google, May 12-13 for GWT contributors with in-depth presentations. Videos of the talks are available via the newly created GWT Youtube channel. Slides can be accessed from here.
Fall 2013, GWT2.6: GWT 2.6 will be released in Fall 2013, as announced at I/O - stay tuned for more detail.
Dec 12-13, 17-18: GWT.create Conference: Vaadin is hosting the first ever GWT conference, with repeat events in both San Francisco and Frankfurt. This promises to be the most exciting event for GWT developers in 2013. Please read the Vaadin blog to see how you can be part of this event.
Spring 2014, GWT 3.0: GWT 3.0 will be released on or around Google I/O 2014, with major new features.